Photo du Jour!!

17 September 2009

8-am's in France = might be French, but still really really early

So today was definitely one of the oddest days I've had here. For some RIDICULOUS reason, IES has decided to schedule our classes with as much time in between them as possible. I'm pretty sure there was no logic behind it whatsoever...except, I suppose, that all the professors are graciously volunteering their time to teach us lowly Americans, and to come all the way from the University (about a 20 minute tram ride, probs lots shorter driving) and therefore have the right to schedule our classes at times that are the most convenient for them. And, I suppose, that I chose the courses myself, and (more or less) had the freedom to schedule my time more logically. However, I didn't really have the much choice in what I took - things like major requirements/potential IS topic research/other factors obviously came into play. This has resulted in my Thursdays looking like this: Sociology from 8-9:30 am.............NOTHING...............Phonetics Lab 5:30-6:30 pm. UGH I told my host mom that I would probably come home (not knowing my schedule this morning) before or after lunch. Which I did, but she wasn't home when I came in, so I went to sleep. Then she comes in later with my laundry (all starched and ironed...she INSISTED on ironing my jeans. She's so cute!) and I roll over and she FREAKS out. It was like 534098 kinds of awkward.

However, I saved myself from too much awkward by getting up and going out to watch Gossip Girl (in English!) with my host sisters. That was a good time. Then, I went into Centre Ville to get coffee and chocolateeeee caaaakeeeee (with delicious creme anglaise). It was sooo good.

Then we had phonetics lab, which is hands-down the best class I've ever taken. Not only is it going to be hugely helpful with my French, and the prof is awesome and super adorable...but it's absolutely hysterical to watch everyone go around the room and so III...UUU...OOOHHH. SO entertaining. Plus, my mouth/chin area hurts which I think means it's working! Yeah! I'm definitely going to come home with a French chin after that class!

Today was made even better by my friend Jake being wonderful. I had called him today because I was so bored, to try and instigate some activity. And I must have sounded sad so he called tonight to check in on me. Then we had a lovely time while he came over and checked his his wifi broke at home and his host 'grand-mere' seems to be technologically challenged. Then, I skyped with Rachie and she played me a song on the thumb piano, and it was probably the best way to end a day ever!

Tomorrow, we're going on a treasure hunt! We have our teams already...and it's going to be intense. Also this weekend are the Jours de Patrimoines...which means the French Minister of Culture decided long ago that they should celebrate their culture by opening up every museum/theater/garden/old building/anything that contributes or displays French culture...and not charging admission at all! Plus, it's a chance to see more of they open up storage galleries at some art museums, and old churches that are usually closed to prevent theft...even, apparently, the French version of the White House (la Chaetau Elysee), aka where Sarko lives. So we're going museum-crazy Saturday!

I'll post more pictures soon..I'm so happy with my pretty blog now! I hope you all like it!


  1. But our lives ARE so interesting here. At least more interesting than those who are still back in the states haha
